Social Media Rantings

I am frustrated that writers need to be active on social media to survive. I am not nor have I ever been interested in twitter. I don’t want to know what people think every two seconds about things. I honestly don’t have much to say of interest. What I have to say is not always important and I don’t want to pretend that it is. I’m going to be real with you about that. That’s not to say that I think people who use twitter are ridiculous. If that’s your cup of tea, game on. But it seems like if I don’t have a platform on social media, get a following of some sort, it is real difficult to make progress in being a writer.

Yes, I write all the time and have written two novels. But I have to gain some kind of following it seems to even be noticed by agents. Not all agents of course, but in my researching agents for querying, some of them mention it only hurts to not have a blog, twitter account, etc. in the business. It’s like, if I can’t prove that people like what I have to say on social media, there is no chance people would want to read my book. And what I would say on social media is light years away from what is in my book and how I write. It is unbelievably irritating.

Again, not all believe this or push this, I’m sure. But I’m focusing this completely on the ones who do. I always thought (and still hope) that I will find an agent who loves my manuscript, helps me make it even better, gets my book picked up by a publishing company, and then I start pushing heavy on social platforms when there are people who care about what I have to say because we both love a story.

I’m a storyteller. That’s what I want to do. But, I created this blog to try and start reaching out socially. I guess it’s a matter of just trying to change how you view things. I’m trying to find people who are like minded so that we can have a conversation. Or maybe things I have to say can be of use to people. I don’t know. I’m just grumpy about it right now. I’ve always had a youtube account (see link below-tink5188) because I love making artsy (or humorous) videos. Again, storytelling.

Am I just acting like an old fogy? Possible.

I created a twitter account too. But I literally stare at it forever trying to come up with a clever tweet because I really don’t have much to say. So I’m trying to stick with the writing theme on twitter in hopes to connect with like-minded people. Maybe future friends? Also, I guess it provides ample opportunity to stalk agents, see if they throw us writers any bones, while seeing if they seem like a good fit. Perhaps that is why it is useful for me to have a twitter? So they can stalk me back? They won’t stalk me though until they look at my query and like my manuscript. I would hope that if they did and see I don’t have much of a social media presence, let alone read this bitch fest of a blog, they wouldn’t hold it against me.

Grumble grumble. Trying to be positive. Yay social media!…?

I just blogged. So go me! Right? Right?

Image result for facepalm gif

Yay one of my videos on Youtube!!!!!! Proof that I’ve been on social media other than Facebook for over ten years.